The Experience That Made Me At A Loss For Words
“Wow. I never knew any of that,” said an assistant coach of one of the men’s athletic teams at Michigan State University following my speech. This coach happened to be a contemporary of mine. One who I actually have known since I was twelve years old. As I looked at him, and smiled, I thought, “Well, of course you didn’t know any of it.” Until Kick The Scale became established and publicized, the thought of anyone knowing I suffered from a psychological or physical disorder was horrifying. Why would I have wanted anyone to know I struggled, or needed anti-depressant medication, or that I evenRead More →
I’m Racing Through My 3rd Pregnancy. Catch Me If You Can.
My friend shared an article with me the other night from Fox News. Just from the title of the article that was published in Self, I felt fired up, empathetic, and extremely emotional. “CrossFit trainer receiving backlash for lifting more than 90 pounds while pregnant.” The article reads, “Though Breeze has assured her followers that she’s been listening to her doctor’s advice as far as fitness is concerned, many have said they’re worried she’s jeopardizing the health of her pregnancy by maintaining such an active life in the gym.” I have two kids, which means I have experienced the lengthy, physically and emotionally challenging moments of pregnancy…twice. And,Read More →
The Pressures That Kept Me From Loving Soccer
From the time I was a little girl, I strived to please others. I thrived on praise and attention, and put all my efforts into being recognized and acknowledged. It was something I felt internally, but was never able to look inside, and see that was where my troubles were brewing. I happened to have gravitated toward soccer at the age of four. Not only did I enjoy it, but I stood out, and it came more natural to me than it did to others. It provided me a sense of accomplishment. It was clear from the start that soccer was my sport, and wasRead More →
He Said He’d Never Date Anyone with Anorexia
I had received an instant message from him almost immediately after plugging in my laptop, turning it on, and signing into instant messenger. I had just arrived in Georgia to take a nine-day coaching course, with plans to travel to Michigan before heading back to Baltimore a couple weeks later. He introduced himself as, “Jon,” like I was supposed to have known who Jon was at the time. He then explained he was a friend of Jon’s — a guy I had recently gone on a date, having enjoyed his company, but knowing he wasn’t the “one.” Confused, frustrated, and annoyed at that point fromRead More →
I Must Do Better… I Must Do More…
It’s like signing up for a race, not really preparing or training for it, and setting out and finishing with an unbelievable time. If you don’t beat that time the next race, do you feel as accomplished? Or, it’s like setting a personal record in collections in one week’s time. The following week, if not matched or beaten, do you feel like a failure? For me, I have a tendency to set a goal, and once reached, anything less feels unfulfilling. According to Entrepreneur and Online Marketing Expert, Neil Patel, in Entrepreneur, “When we don’t get fulfillment, our psychological response is anxiety or tension.” Based on myRead More →
2 Things That Break a Mom’s Heart
We were waiting to hear back the results from my 14-month-old’s endoscopy. The pediatric gastroenterologist who was caring for and treating my son had us prepared for what she anticipated the biopsy would reveal. History The prior 14 months had been exhausting, challenging, and extremely difficult as a mother and parent. The issues we faced daily since his birth included spitting up, vomiting, difficulty bottle feeding, and then refusal to eat solid foods at the time we were instructed to introduce them. Though he had struggled to initially gain weight, he somehow made it out of the “red,” and his growth became a nonissue. TheRead More →
Kim Kardashian’s Body Image Obsession Tweets
As someone who was significantly affected by media, attaining the ideal body type, dieting and exercising to lose weight, and taking it to the extreme, I know how celebrities influence millions of people. Whether it be through behaviors, public statements, or even photographs, they are followed and aped so closely. However, when a person, like myself, is replicating similar actions to that of a celebrity, and has a genetic predisposition and a particular personality, then one becomes susceptible to developing an eating disorder. According to an article in Huffington Post, “Dying to be thin in our celebrity-driven culture has become prevalent not only with yourRead More →
The Reasons Behind My Revelation
I had the amazing opportunity to visit my old stomping grounds, alma mater, and meet with the critical people who played a major role in my maturation process, provided support, and guided me to become the best person I could possibly be at the time I walked across the stage to receive my college diploma from Michigan State University. I expressed to these leaders, administrators, and, now, colleagues that by the end of my college journey and enduring the most challenging obstacle I had ever faced, I was forced to quickly acquire qualities that I had been lacking. Prior to that experience, I had beenRead More →
The Workout Following the Workout
After battling and overcoming an eating disorder of my own, I am now comfortable, content, and confident with my exercise regime and body image – though, still at times, I do have self-doubt, but need to bring myself back to reality. After experiencing an excessive exercise issue, as well, which typically goes hand-in-hand with an eating disorder, I am now conscious of these ever-so prevalent issues, and how they may affect others. I had just finished my workout. As I walked down the steps to arrive in the health club lobby, I collided with a group of women who had seemed to just finish aRead More →