Each year since November 20, 2010, I have had the opportunity to reflect on what my wedding anniversary actually means to me; and each year, it seems more and more special.
As a teenager, the dating scene can be gruesome. It’s competitive, it’s a popularity contest, and, in most cases, it’s superficial. As little girls, we dream of our wedding, who we are going to spend the rest of our lives with, and what type of family we will create. In high school, it seemed sometimes that we lost sight of those visions. It became more important to have a boyfriend, be in a relationship, and not worry about whose arm we would be holding to the homecoming dance.
Not for me though. I always felt differently. I always believed the title “boyfriend” held a substantial meaning; one that I would be selective, picky, and particular. So, as I look back on my high school years, I didn’t have a long list of boyfriends. In fact, I didn’t have any. The truth is, I never felt I had come upon anyone who I felt comfortable enough to reveal my true self; my idiosyncrasies.
When I met my husband in June 2009, I knew on our first date he was different, unique, and exceptional. But, even then, I feared opening up to him, sharing my secrets, and allowing him to see my odd habits, my weird needs, and quirky behaviors. What if he ran away? What if I scared him away? How long should I wait to let him see the real me?
The truth is, we all have unique needs and behaviors. It is about accepting them, embracing them, and finding someone who appreciates them. And on our first date, I knew he would be the one.
We have been married six years today. Marriage is complex. It truly challenges people beyond words. It tests one’s limits, forces one to be flexible, and is the most beautiful bond there is in life. I feel so lucky and fortunate to have found someone who not only accepts me for who I am, but loves every part of it. We have set out on this challenging, yet amazing journey together, and I feel we are still just at the beginning.
Two houses, one dog, one dental practice, and three kids later… we have jumped into the deep end.. and fairly quickly. But, I still look at him today the way I did on November 20, 2010. I look forward to every day and year to come. I love you Jon. Happy 6th Anniversary.