As I was skimming through my newsfeed, Twitter, and Instagram accounts today, I became guilty of this, too. When I see any link or article titled, “Lose Weight Fast,” I take my little finger, and on autopilot, I click on the piece.
I’m not even trying to lose weight right now. But, when I see that title in bold, capitalized, large font, I can’t help but feel my curiosity peak in that moment. I wonder if that piece reveals the secret potion. As if it might have new, different, and more accelerated ideas about weight loss, diet, and exercise.
In this society, we are drawn to anything that might give us ways to lose weight. And, because we seek immediate gratification, our eyes enlarge when we see the words, “Fast,” or, “Easily.” Then, I open it up to read, and each article states the same exact things, but in different ways. Kind of like the way I used to write as a kid. I would take one idea, and repeat myself throughout the entire paper, but in several different ways. My thoughts were shallow and careless. And, so are articles declaring the quick solution to weight loss.
I don’t see pieces bombarding my social media accounts emphasizing easy acts of kindness, quick ways to be thoughtful, and how to be a good person. Though we place value on our character, our media and society puts a much greater emphasis on our bodies, appearance, and weight. But, isn’t weight just a number on the scale? Do these authors state the possible negative outcomes of quick weight loss and dieting? Or, do we all equate the number on the scale to happiness?
I’m sure you opened this article in the same way I do when I see titles claiming the magic potion for perfect bodies. But, my goal through writing and speaking is to take that energy and focus, and channel it into being loyal, respectful, honest, courageous, authentic, generous, and kind. Quick weight loss tips don’t make me a better person. I would love to see more pieces shared, “5 Ways To Forgive,” or “10 Ways To Show Compassion.” If I am taught how to be a more honorable person, I will be perceived as more attractive… and so will you.
I try to live by the words, “Don’t value your body over your being.” Unfortunately, it isn’t that easy. But, I’d much prefer putting my energy and thoughts into achieving this than seeing a number go down on a scale. It’s much more powerful.