I’d like to use the fact that having little kids and babies have created a daily feeling of “racing” around. But, as I think back to the days before children, my life has always seemed to feel like a race. I believe it’s in my blood. Sure, prior to kids there were those days where I was able to go for a nice, leisurely run without feeling rushed to get to preschool pick-up, a doctor appointment, or the store before pre-school pickup, but those were rare too. Back then, I was rushing off to work, to the airport for travel, or to a date at night. Though, it seems like pre-children I had much more time to myself, which may be true, I had the tendency to try to fit in as many things as I possibly could before actually needing to be at a true obligation.
As I was late to my doctor appointment this morning because I just needed to squeeze my entire run in, I had a flashback to a night from years ago. The night will forever be clear in my memory. It was the first time since college that I had a roommate, though, it was for a very brief time. A former player of mine, who took the role as assistant coach, spent the summer living with me in my apartment before moving downtown Baltimore with friends. The company was great, but the actual time she was with me ended up being the most special moments in my life.
We had just returned home from an unusually long summer day at the office. I had a date scheduled that night where I was meeting this new guy in Canton at 8:00p.m. But, to feel my best, and get some energy out, I needed to squeeze in a run, even if it was a quick one. My friend looked at me, and said, “Erin, you know you don’t have time to run, shower, get ready, and be downtown by 8.” I looked at her, knowing she was right, but because of my running obsession, and the high I get from a short burst of exercise, I decided my run took precedent over making sure I was on time for a date. I assured her I would rush to fit it all in.
I was doing great on time, but, unfortunately, I didn’t factor in downtown Baltimore parking. Or I did, but was so glad that I got my run in that I wasn’t stressed over being a few minutes late. “I’m so sorry,” I called to tell him over the phone. “I have been circling Canton for what seems like forever, and I can’t find a parking spot anywhere.” Let’s be honest. I wasn’t going to call him and say, “Listen, I knew I would be late if I tried to squeeze in a run before meeting you, but I ran anyway.” We all know that probably would have been the first and last date with this guy.
He was so patient, and so sweet. I was running a mile a minute, physically and mentally, knowing I was late, still sweating from my summer run, and giving a terrible first impression. Luckily, and I still wonder why, he gave me a chance despite my tardiness to our first encounter. He told me to meet him outside a bar in Canton after I parked. I tried taking a deep breath, and walked toward him. There he was: smiling, calm, and looking so relaxed. So opposite from the way I was appearing and feeling!
I apologized on numerous occasions. That damn downtown traffic and parking! But, despite getting off to a later start, we had the most enjoyable first date ever. His name was Jon, and, today, he is my husband. Though, it took me several months to tell him the truth as to why I was actually late, he quickly picked up on my exercise regimen, energetic and hyper behaviors, and my struggle to be places on-time. He, on the other hand, enjoys to exercise, but doesn’t get the “high” or feel the “need” like me, and he is not only on time to everything, he makes sure to be early. But, most significantly, he is my calming factor in my life, which is clearly very complimentary to my personality and being.
I was late to our first date. It wasn’t the first time I was late somewhere because of a run, and it hasn’t been the last. But, running gives me that energy boost, confidence, and energetic feelings that enabled me to be my best at our first meeting… And, I have him, still, today! So, though, running late because of a run has its negatives, it gave me the best positive in my life–my husband!!!!