The line to use the pay phone wrapped around the dormitory lobby. I stood and waited, tears welled up in my eyes, in desperate need to call home. I had an eternal desire to succeed; to be recognized, and be identified. I needed to hear my dad’s voice; to tell me it would be okay. “Just do the best you can do, Erin. That’s all you can do.” I was sick; my jaw trembled, my stomach churned with overwhelming nerves, and uncontrollable tears streamed down my face. What I heard from that simple line of encouragement was completely different than his actual words. I heard,Read More →

New Year’s Eve. A nationally recognized night set aside to make fun, crazy, and extra special plans. To make dinner reservations weeks in advance to celebrate this highly anticipated evening. To spend three times as much money on a meal or activity than it may otherwise cost. To eat, drink, and party until the wee hours of the morning. To host friends, prepare spreads, bake themed cupcakes, decorate with glitz and glamour, and dress in the most trendy, sexy outfit of the year. And, finally, to watch and countdown the New York City Times Square ball dropping at the clock striking 12:00a.m. At that moment in time, we scream, “HappyRead More →